Changes in Weather Can Change You, Too!

For most of the year, we know what the weather will be like. Summer is mostly hot. Winter is mostly cold. But this Spring has been very extreme, and it can take a toll on how you feel. In a study about people’s sensitivity to weather, half of the adults surveyed experienced changes in their health with changing weather. Symptoms included headaches, joint pain, fatigue, and even catching more colds. Women prone to headaches also reported more episodes in changeable weather than in other seasons.

If you’re experiencing more of the Lion than the Lamb this Spring, Homeopathy offers a wide range of options that can bring relief. In my Homeopathy 101 section below, I’ve listed three common over-the-counter remedies for the “symptoms of Spring.” Hopefully we will enjoy plenty of warmth and sunshine this season. Cheers to replenishing, natural Vitamin D!

Homeopathy 101: Springtime Sensitivities*


My job as a Homeopath is to discover how you, as an individual, are experiencing your symptoms and match you with the remedy most likely to resolve those issues.  Homeopathic remedies act as a catalyst to reset your nervous system and support your body’s immune system.

Here are some examples of remedies for the most common reactions to fluctuations in weather:

Bryonia (Wild Hops): This is a wonderful remedy for people who experience irritability and a desire to be left alone, especially when warm weather sets in after cold, rainy weather. They are prone to left-sided headaches and have a thirst for large quantities of warm drinks.  

Sulphur: This frequently used remedy helps relieve headaches that result from being in direct sunlight. The headaches often feel like a tight band around the head. People who respond well to Sulphur also tend to experience digestive issues during their cycles, including heartburn and indigestion.

Nat mur (Salt): People who benefit from Nat Mur are prone to cold sores after sun exposure. They’re also prone to cracks in the corners of their mouths. It brings relief to those who feel closed emotionally and have high expectations for themselves, allowing them to feel safe expressing their feelings.

As you can see, each of the 4,000 remedies available have a different profile that is individually matched to how each person experiences symptoms.

For clients who are actively working with me and have a constitutional remedy, please do not take any of the above remedies. Your personalized remedy works on every level. You do not need a supplemental remedy for acute conditions since changing the potency and repetition will resolve any new symptoms.

Directions for taking remedies: Choose the 30c potency at your health food store. Take 2 pellets, 3 times per day for three days or until your symptoms improve. Do not take for more than 3 days.

Quick Definitions

Homeopathy: Homeopathy is a 200-year-old holistic system of healing that uses natural substances to bring the body back into balance. Homeopathic remedies reset your internal healing mechanism and allow your body to restore balance from within.

Acute Remedies: For conditions that come on suddenly such as the flu, food poisoning, or motion sickness. The examples in this newsletter are readily available over-the-counter.

Constitutional Remedies: For chronic, long-standing symptoms that have lasted more than six months such as PMS, migraines, or endometriosis. A professional homeopath has the necessary training to act as a detective and select the best constitutional remedy for each person.

Food for Healing

Let’s celebrate Spring with one of its most abundant and delicious vegetables, asparagus! It’s a good source of fiber, full of antioxidants, and a natural diuretic. Enjoy all these benefits with this tasty, creamy soup that is free of dairy: Asparagus Soup from Ahead of Thyme.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The remedies mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations or relationship with your physician.